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Take Time to Prepare for Your Provider Visit


There are a variety of reasons that you might schedule a visit with a provider and it’s important to know that each visit is specific. For instance, if you come in for an acute visit because you are sick, your provider will focus on that illness or injury. A separate visit should be scheduled, for example, for discussing  a chronic illness or for a physical.

Use these as a guide:

  • Sick/injury visit – specific symptoms
  • Chronic issue – checkup
  • Physical – head to toe
  • Telehealth visits – convenient for checkups or illness
  • Vaccines – updates
  • Medicare annual wellness visit – general wellness review

The most important preparation to make is to come to your appointment with as much of a detailed history of your own healthcare as possible. I can take better care of a person knowing their past history. Particularly for new patients – bring with you copies of past medical records.

Have Copies of Your Medical Records

For each specific appointment, though, it’s important to focus on your present needs to make the best of the time we have together. Sometimes our initial meet and greet is looking at what might be due like labs or vaccines and then a general history. Being prepared means knowing:

  • your current medications and allergies
  • vaccine history
  • recent and past procedures
  • knowing your history well enough to discuss with a provider

Patient Portal Access

If you are on the Patient Portal, it’s extremely helpful for you and your provider as your past records and treatments will already be accessible.

The other benefit of the portal is that it’s a great option because you don’t always have to come in and see me. It may be as simple as sending a message to ask a simple question about a medication or refill. Sometimes it’s a pretty simple message, and sometimes we recommend that you come in for a visit. I can explain by message why you should come in and be seen.

Be Prepared for Your Visit

Remember to prepare:

  • Know your medical history and medications
  • Getting copies of past medical records is most important so I can see what you have had, what you are due for and what you have gone through to maintain your health.

Consider a telehealth appointment which can save time and eliminate travel.

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Nurse Practitioner, Sarah Dwyer

Family Medicine | Medical