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Hub and Spoke

Hub and Spoke is Vermont’s opioid use disorder treatment system that uses medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to support people in recovery. Working under the state of Vermont’s “Hub and Spoke” model, Community Health can provide MAT in the primary care office setting to patients who receive primary care services. The MAT program is a comprehensive treatment plan that includes

  • physical health maintenance
  • counseling
  • participation in social support programs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I receive opioid abuse recovery treatment at Community Health?

Community Health is one of the 75+ local spokes where healthcare providers offer ongoing addiction treatment. Your Community Health primary care or behavioral health provider would administer the medication treatment in combination with counseling, physical health maintenance and participation in social support programs.

How does Community Health’s Spoke Program work?

Spoke locations, like Community Health, provide ongoing treatment in our primary care office setting. Spoke care teams provide specialized nursing, counseling and care management to support you while in recovery. This staff assures team-based care and helps primary care providers balance MAT with general health and wellness care.

What are the Hubs?

The nine regional hubs across the state of Vermont provide intensive opioid use disorder treatment options throughout the recovery process. The highly experienced hub staff supports and administers MAT treatment and provides training and consultation for the Spoke providers like Community Health.

What medications are used at Community Health?

The prescribed use of buprenorphine is one approach Community Health uses to treat patients with opioid use disorder. The medication is administered through medication-assisted treatment. Prescribers are physicians, nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants federally waived to prescribe buprenorphine. They may also prescribe naltrexone or injectable vivitrol.

Is MAT the only treatment for opioid use disorder?

MAT isn’t the only treatment for opioid addiction but has proven to be the most effective for the most people.

Is Community Health’s opioid abuse treatment open to anyone?

For access to Community Health’s behavioral health care, you must be a Community Health primary care patient. Opioid abuse treatment is one exception. Behavioral Health’s “rapid access to medication program (RAM)” is for someone identified as urgently needing MAT treatment and doesn’t have primary care established with Community Health. The RAM program allows you to enter the MAT program as long as you agree to establish primary care with Community Health within 60 days.

Who do I contact for more information about the Hub and Spoke treatment system?

Contact your Community Health primary care or behavioral health provider at 802-772-7992 or visit the website

Remember, this FAQ is intended to provide general information about Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). If you or a loved one is considering MAT, it’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on individual circumstances.


Hub and Spoke Locations

Community Health Brandon

420 Grove Street
Brandon, VT 05733

Community Health North Main

231 North Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701