802 Quits Tobacco
Free one on one, group, phone, & website tobacco cessation coaching. Free or reduced cost nicotine replacement for Vermonters 18 years and older with counseling
A fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength and hope, in order to solve their common problems. AI-Anon's primary purpose is to help family and friends of alcoholics, whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not.
PO Box 4593
Burlington, VT 05406
Alcoholics Anonymous – Bennington, VT
Alcoholics Anonymous – Middlebury, VT
Alcoholics Anonymous – Rutland, VT
AA helps people find local help with their alcohol addiction and treatment.
160 Allen Street
Rutland, VT 05701
Black River Area Community Coalition
We Value Our Youth.
We're taking a proactive approach to preventing youth drug and alcohol misuse by raising awareness, building resilience, and strengthening resources within our community. Mailing Address: PO Box 197, Ludlow, VT 05149
Bradford Psychiatric Associates
Providers of Outpatient Treatment for Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder. We also specialize in Acudetox acupuncture for these disorders too along with traditional and newer treatments such as Brixadi, Vivitrol and Sublocade. Offering Primary Care too.
199 Stratton Road
Rutland, VT 05701
Brattleboro Retreat
At the Brattleboro Retreat we believe in providing compassionate mental health care based on scientific evidence and centered on you. Here on our safe, restorative Vermont campus, your well-being motivates us while your courage inspires us.
1 Anna Marsh Lane
Brattleboro, VT 05301
CRASH Program
Division of Evergreen Center
Project Crash is a state sponsored drinking driver rehabilitation program that provides mandatory educational courses for people whose motor vehicle privileges have been suspended due to driving violations that involve the use of alcohol
135 Granger Street
Rutland, VT 05701
Division of Substance Use Programs
DSU (formerly ADAP) oversees a network of health promotion, prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery services to prevent, reduce and eliminate the health impacts of alcohol, cannabis, opioid and other drug use. Works with national, state and community-based organizations to make programs and services available to Vermonters. We use data to plan and guide program improvements, and to support Vermont’s statewide system of providers.
Evergreen Center
300 Asa Bloomer Bldg
Rutland, VT 05701
Evergreen Services
Grace House
HIV/HCV Resource Center
Provides services for those living with HIV/AIDS in Vermont and New Hampshire
2 Blacksmith Street
Lebanon, NH 03766
Making Recovery Easier – Workshop
Making Recovery Easier prepares you for a transition into the culture of the 12 step programs. This program explains all of the components of Alcoholics, Narcotics, and Cocaine Anonymous groups. It helps a person understand what is going on at the meetings, explains the format and defines phrases and terms. You can voice your concerns, questions, and share your experiences (positive and negative} about 12-step programs. Preregistration is not required
141 State Street
Rutland, VT 05701
Maple Leaf Farm Associates
Provides medical detoxification and residential treatment and support services for drug and alcohol abuse to help their patients find recovery
10 Maple Leaf Road
Underhill, VT 05489
Narcotics Anonymous
Fellowship of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. They are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean.
P.O.Box 6414
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Partners for Prevention
Pathways Vermont Support Line
The Pathways Vermont Support Line provides free, confidential support and connection for all Vermonters via phone and text 24/7 at (833) VT - TALKS / (833) 888-2557. The line is staffed by local peers who have been through challenging situations themselves and are available to listen and provide non-judgmental insight. We focus on supporting individuals who reach out for a wide range of reasons, from anger over a frustrating day, to feeling alone, to wanting support for substance use or processing medical concerns, or just wanting to chat.
Recovery Coaching
Recovery Coaching is a form of strengths-based support for persons with addictions or in recovery from alcohol, drugs, codependency, or other addictive behaviors. These coaches are helpful for making choices in patient's lives and to find the role ones addiction or recovery plays in it. Recovery coaches have personal experience, training, knowledge and an understanding of the recovery process
141 State Street
Rutland, VT 05701
Recovery Houses
An alcohol, drug, gambling and family rehabilitation program providing effective treatment with practical goals and a reasonable cost for services. Open to anyone who they feel would benefit from treatment, including those currently supervised by corrections programs, pregnant women, and to intravenous drug users.
98 Church Street
Wallingford, VT 05773
Rocking Horse Circle of Support
A program designed for women of all ages including those with young children and pregnant women who are substance users or whose lives are affected by the substance abuse of a spouse, significant other or family member. The curriculum offers education about substance abuse, parenting and coping skills in a supportive environment
Evergreen Center
135 Granger Street
Rutland, VT 05701
Rutland Recovery Collaborative
This is a local Rutland area pilot project funded by SAMSHA (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration) BRSS TACS (Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale) with partnering agencies, The Turning Point Center of Rutland and Vermont Psychiatric Survivors (VPS). The goal of this program is to create one door; with one number to call for information and referral to primary care providers and easy access to self- referring individuals. (We will need a signed release by you and your primary care provider so we can place an outreach call to you or you may self -refer as well). Your provider may also make an assisted call with you present. The Turning Point Center provides an array of support groups and a location where people can socialize with others who are in recovery.
Serenity House
Turning Point Center of Rutland
Turning Point is a place for people to go for help with recovery. A drop-in recovery center with many programs and facilitated groups to assist in the struggles of recovery. Contact: Tracie Hauck thauck@tpcrutland.org
141 State Street
Rutland, VT 05701
Valley Vista
80 bed Inpatient Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Treatment Center, offering comprehensive services for Adults (male and female), adolescents and their families. Provides a safe structured environment for treatment of patients with addictive & co-occurring disorders
23 Upper Plain
Bradford, VT 05033
WITS End Support Group
Are you at your wits end dealing with a loved one's addiction problem? Free, open and confidential networking with others like you to share what works and what doesn’t. Certified counselor present.
Rutland City Police Department
108 Wales Street, 2nd Floor
Rutland, VT 05701
Wellness Action Planning
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan® or WRAP®, is a self-designed prevention and wellness process that anyone can use to get well, stay well and make their life the way they want it to be. It was developed in 1997 by a group of people who were searching for ways to overcome their own mental health issues and move on to fulfilling their life dreams and goals. It is now used extensively by people in all kinds of circumstances, and by health care and mental health systems all over the world to address all kinds of physical, mental health and life issues.
Rutland City Police Department
160 Allen Street
Rutland, VT 05701