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What’s Your Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is recorded in two numbers.

  • Systolic blood pressure is how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls when your heart is beating.
  • Diastolic blood pressure indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls when your heart is resting between beats.

A normal blood pressure reading is 120 over 80 or lower.

Why is it important to measure blood pressure?

High blood pressure can be a symptom of heart disease or stroke. The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure tested. Blood pressure screening is a standard procedure for every patient we see at Community Health.

What is hypertension and how is it detected?

Hypertension is diagnosed as blood pressure that consistently exceeds normal levels. There are several stages of hypertension.

  • When systolic readings are between 130 and 139 or diastolic levels reach 80 to 89 your provider might discuss lifestyle changes and medications.
  • When readings are 140 over 90 or higher, your provider will recommend lifestyle changes and prescribe medications.
  • If blood pressure readings exceed 180 over 120, notify your provider immediately.

Call 911 immediately if your blood pressure is higher than 180 over 120 and you experience chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, numbness or difficulty seeing or speaking.

Why does blood pressure increase with age?

As we age, blood pressure increases due to stiffening of large arteries, long-term buildup of plaque and increased incidence of cardiac and vascular disease.

Earlier and better treatment for high blood pressure has been shown to help reduce the risks associated with those conditions.

Why is blood pressure screening important?

If you have questions about blood pressure screening or how to keep your heart healthy, call Community Health for an appointment and speak with a healthcare provider.

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