Board of Directors
The Community Health Board of Directors is a dedicated group of community members, the majority of whom are also our patients. As residents of the communities we serve, they have the unique ability to provide the leadership necessary to make our organization a success.
Bob Riley, Ph.D.
Nancy Morlino, MBA
Vice Chair
Michael Gardner*
Jill Jesso-White*
Dean Rinaldo*
Carol Ballou, MS
Melbourne Boynton, MD
Luther Brown
Joanne Calvi, BSN, RN
Madeleine Fay, MD
Roland “Lenny” Gibson, Ph.D.
Richard Griffith
Robert Hedden
Thomas W. Huebner
Lawrence G. Jensen, MBA
Jade Mead
Amy R. Menard, Esq.
Rosemary Payne
Matthew Prouty